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Reality of housing in Singapore

Flats in Singapore taken from Mt Faber

Where we live is an integral part of our life. This photo depicts how most Singaporeans live: small apartments, within very close proximity and high up. However, if you are rich, there are 2 ways you can live: (1) in a landed property surrounded and cramped up with all the other high rise buildings. Or (2) live in a penthouse in a tall building. That way you will have more privacy and peace that is until another taller building creeps up next to you.

The photo was taken on a cloudy day, so I took it in black and white, hopefully to minimise the gloominess.

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Elliot House Along Deansgate
Manchester City Library Elliot House, Deansgate

Elliot House along Deansgate was the formal home to the Manchester Education Commitee. During the refurbishment of the Central Library in Peter Square, Elliot House was converted into the City Library. The photo above was captured when Elliot House still hosted the City Library.

If you want to visit Elliot House, you can do so at the follow address:
Elliot House
151 Deansgate
Manchester, M3 3WD
United Kingdom

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Sunset At BBC

Sunset shot of BBC @ Salford Quays

I was cycling through BBC at Salford Quays the other day and I stumble across this sunset shot. Looking back at it now, it really gives me the tranquility and nostalgic feeling of the place.

It always looks much better and beautiful when you do not have it by your side anymore. Why do we take things for granted? Luckily for me, I managed to capture the moment with my camera.

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Walkway Next to Lowry Outlet Mall

When I saw these 3 guys in red walking past, I thought to myself there could be a good chance that this could make a good photo. Then when framing the shot, I saw this couple on my right having a great time. So I decided to add them in my photo too.

To me, what makes a place special is the relationship you have with the surroundings. Often this will include the friendship you have created over the time spent at the place. With these bonds, it make oneself to be connected to the place. Thanks to all of you who made Manchester special to me. I know I will be back again one day. Until then, take care!

This photo was taken at Salford Quay in Greater Manchester. A walkway next to Lowry Outlet mall, along the canal.

Cheeky Clouds In Front of AGLC

Funky clouds in front of Alan Gilbert Learning Commons

Staring out of Alan Gilbert Learning Commons (AGLC) building, I saw this view. Some cheeky clouds fooling around in my opinion. Then, I sat there and looked blankly into the sky. I am going to miss this place dearly when I leave here. My loyal readers would agree that this place has allowed me to blog some really fun experiences. I thought to myself, how will the next few years going to be like? Will I be able to cope with them? I hope it will be an exciting and fun as the clouds on display here.

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